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Photo Shoots are Welcome!

Bringing friends and family and taking photos?  Welcome!​ Standard entrance fees and donations appreciated from locals.

​Professional Photo-shoots (using professional photographers)

Professional Photo-shoots for locals - minimum donation BD$50
Professional Photo-shoots for overseas visitors - normal entrance fees plus minimum BD$50 donation.​​

Unfortunately we now need to insist​ on a minimum donation of BD$50 for professional shoots - more if you wish!

We need to have a minimum donation as many people having professional photoshoots were not giving us anything, or giving very little - basically, as one photographer stated, they were 'taking advantage'.

​​Other sites charge BD$100-200 or even BD$20 per person. But we believe BD$50 is a fair donation towards keeping Andromeda open for all, especially for those locals who cannot afford to donate. Entrance is free for locals who simply walk through and/or stay and have a picnic. Many do donate. We continue to try to connect local people to our wonderful heritage by ensuring they are not denied access.

Andromeda Botanic Gardens does not receive government funding.

It does not get funds from the Barbados National Trust.

Andromeda is independently managed and developed by a tiny and dedicated team and relies on donations and entrance fees from overseas visitors to survive.​

​​The donations pay our gardeners and keep us open and this has been the situation since August 2020.

Thank you for your understanding.​​​​​​​​​



JQuan Photo
Instagram: @j_quanphoto
Number: 1-(246)-267-8366

Hitch Photography
Instagram: @hitchphotography
Number/Whatsapp: 1-(246)-833-5623​
Trey Vision Video & Photography
Instagram: @treyvisionvideoandphotography​
Number: 1-(246) 254-6640

Andromeda Botanic Gardens, Barbados

Bathsheba, St Joseph 248 0190 sharon@andromedabarbados.com​ 
Open Daily For All: 9.30am (earlier if requested)-4.30pm (last entrance, stay for as long as you wish) and all bank holidays. ​Just turn up - booking not required.​ Closed Christmas Day Only. ​
Andromeda Botanic Gardens is owned by the Barbados National Trust and managed independently by the lease-owner Passiflora Ltd. Mission statement. Passiflora Ltd.’s aim is to provide quality education and training in garden design, horticulture and aspects of ethnobotany. As the company responsible for Andromeda Botanic Gardens, it aims to manage this historic site in accordance with the wishes of Iris Bannochie; its legal obligations to the Barbados National Trust; and to comply with the mandates of authentic botanical institutions. It also aims to ensure Andromeda Botanic Gardens is a fully inclusive community space and committed to protecting and enhancing its biodiversity - wildlife and plants.