Bathsheba, St Joseph 248 0190​ 
Open Daily For All:  10am-4pm (last entrance) and all bank holidays. Closed Christmas Day Only.
Just turn up - no need to book.​

App Privacy Statement

The Andromeda Botanic Garden App does not collect any information from users whatsoever.
It is an informational and educational tool for visitors to use while touring through this botanic garden​.


Die App sammelt keine Informationen von Benutzern. Es ist ein Werkzeug für Information und Bildung. Besucher werden die App benutzen, während sie durch diesen botanischen Garten touren.

Déclaration de confidentialité

L’application Andromeda Botanic Garden ne recueille aucune information auprès des utilisateurs.
Il s’agit d’un outil d’information et d’éducation que les visiteurs peuvent utiliser lors de la visite de ce jardin botanique.​

Declaración de privacidad

La aplicación Andromeda Botanic Garden no recopila ninguna información de los usuarios.
Es una herramienta informativa y educativa para que los visitantes la utilicen mientras recorren este jardín botánico.​​​​​​​
Andromeda Botanic Gardens, Barbados
Andromeda Botanic Gardens is owned by the Barbados National Trust and managed independently by the lease-owner Passiflora Ltd. Mission statement. Passiflora Ltd.’s aim is to provide quality education and training in garden design, horticulture and aspects of ethnobotany. As the company responsible for Andromeda Botanic Gardens, it aims to manage this historic site in accordance with the wishes of Iris Bannochie; its legal obligations to the Barbados National Trust; and to comply with the mandates of authentic botanical institutions. It also aims to ensure Andromeda Botanic Gardens is a fully inclusive community space and committed to protecting and enhancing its biodiversity - wildlife and plants.